Tips, Trick Linux and Review

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Top 10 Important Command Line Interface Linux for Daily use

 Have knowledge about command line interface on linux is very important for linux user. Because you' ll do your  job easier if you had knowledge about CLI.

Every beginner or newbie on linux always wanna find what is simple command line for daily use.  As example if you want to show all directory and file inside your folder on linux, how to make folder linux, or how to compress zip command on linux, how to delete file on linux, etc.

Bellow I will show you top 10 command that linux user often use.

1. ls
it used for show all directory or file inside folder, and it have many attribut which you can use, please try to type ls -al, or try to type ls -ax on your terminal.

2. mkdir
mkdir used for create new folder, example you wish make folder with the name test
just type mkdir test, or you can make any folder more than one, you can just type
mkdir test1 test2 test3, it will created 3 folder named test1, test2 and test3.

3. pwd
when you play around with terminal sometime you forgot where is your current path, this command will be a solution, it will display information yiur current working path. curious? just type pwd on your terminal

4. cd
If you wish move from folder to another folder you use cd, cd means Change Directory. as example you want to move inside folder test, just type cd test

5. cp

you can use this command to copy your file from one folder to other folder, or on the folder it self, you can also copy folder with this command, as example type : 

cp test.txt /home/user/

it will copy file test.txt to directory user. 

6. mv 

mv used for moving file or folder to other location path or directory, example 

mv test.txt /tmp

it will mv file test.txt to folder /tmp

you can also rename file or folder using this command just type

mv test.txt test2.txt

it means rename test.txt to test2.txt

7. rm

it has function to delete file, but you can also delete folder if you add the attribut behind


rm test.txt -> remove file test.txt 

rm -rf /home/user/test -> remove folder test inside /home/user.

8. rmdir

if you wish remove directory you can use this command, example 

rmdir test -> remove directory test

tips: sometime we can't delete a folder becuse its not empty, if you face this situation just use rm -rf command instead.

9. zip

compress file on linux is very easy, you can use zip for compress file or add many file and folder onto one zip file. 

example : zip test/* 

it means compress all file inside folder test to

10. unzip

you want to extract zip file? just use unzip its easy. example type 


it will extract file inside zip on your terminal. 


CLI on linux is easy to use, its not hard like some people think, just make it as a habbit you will remember all command line by doing. 

Top 10 Important Command Line Interface Linux for Daily use Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Tomi Andreas


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